The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences seeks to provide ongoing support and advice to all our students who live with long-term health conditions, learning difficulties and disabilities, throughout their time on the course. 

The GMC advocates inclusion of disabled learners in the Medical profession and strives to see that they are welcomed and valued by the profession.  Please see their dedicated webpage: 'Welcomed and Valued' for more information. 

Most health conditions and disabilities, even if substantial, should not prevent you from undertaking the MBChB, but the Medical School has to ensure that you are capable, with support if needed, of  acquiring the core clinical skills and competences to practise as a doctor and that you are able to work safely with patients. The requirements are defined in the GMC publication, ‘Outcomes for Graduates’, available at The standards used to measure a medical student’s fitness can be found on the Higher Educational Occupational Practitioners website under the Guidance section (subsection: Fitness Standards).


If you are thinking of applying for the MBChB course and would like to discuss your disability with the FMHS Student Support team ahead of your application, please email:  If you are currently going through the application process, please complete the Disability Information form, sent to you by the Admissions team with your invitation to interview. This will allow us to consider any requests for adjustments for the interviews, and will also give you an opportunity to tell us more about your condition/s and follow-up with you, regarding support, if needed.


Through various opportunities, from the application stage through to joining us on the course, you have hopefully already made the University aware of any existing long-term conditions that potentially could impact your ability to study.  All MBChB students will also have had the opportunity to discuss their individual circumstances with the Occupational Health Department, at the start of the course, and any recommendations for support will have been passed onto the FMHS Student Support team.

Prior to starting, and during Term 1 the FMHS Student Support Team will be processing incoming information from the OHS team and confirming adjustments with students were necessary. Where needed, individual meetings will be arranged with students to discuss adjustments and any further support needs. Please note, that there is no automatic transfer or reasonable adjustments across courses or educational institutions. Each student's situation will be assessed individually by the Occupational Health team (please see the section below on Reasonable Adjustments).

If at any time your health condition changes or deteriorates, or your condition is still impacting your ability to study on the course, please get in contact to arrange a meeting.  Email

contains information on Medical Students with health conditions, and sets out what is expected from you (please refer to pages 24-28).  
Below is an example of one of their points:

If you need to tell us about your situation and you haven't already, please do so now.

During your time on the course, you may develop an acute health problem, or be diagnosed with a longer-term medical condition or disability. 

  • If the acute health problem is not impacting your ability to study or function practically, then we do not necessarily need to be made aware of your issue, unless you need some help or advice.

  • If your health is impacting your studies or you have a new diagnosis of a long-term medical problem or disability, please let us know. 
Current students' study needs form - this form should be used by current students disclosing new health information
Please complete our Study Needs form which will give you the opportunity to about your situation and how it is impacting your studies and daily life.

Once we are in receipt of your form, the Student Support team will be in contact to discuss your situation further.


The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences has a Reasonable Adjustment policy which applies to all students studying on all courses within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences who consider themselves to be disabled. The policy outlines the principles and processes through which reasonable adjustments can be put in place. PLEASE READ THE POLICY FOR FULL DETAILS.

Current students' study needs form - this form should be used by current students disclosing new health information

We invite all students who consider themselves to have a disability to declare those to us and to request any specific adjustments that they feel might be necessary.

Please complete our Study Needs form, then send supporting evidence to Jess Willmore ( 

Link to Your Health section
Please visit our Your Health page for more general health and well being advice 

Link to our Academic Support sectionPlease visit our Academic Support page for more information, resources and strategies for the course, including tips for dyslexic students and those struggling with concentration issues etc. This page also holds details of how to book a dyslexia screening appointment with the University. Please note, you must be a current student - and be logged into Moodle - to access this page.

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 December 2024, 12:42 PM