Section outline
The fundamental philosophy of the medical course at Buckingham is to help you along your journey towards the outcomes defined by the GMC through a process of 'guided learning'. All we can do however is to help you - the journey is yours to make, and you must take personal responsibility for the achievement of the course outcomes. We will provide opportunities and support, but you must engage with the course and develop as an individual, as we are all different.
Your journey will be different to that of other students according to your own strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes, but you must reach the same destination - being fit and equipped to practise as a new doctor and to develop in your medical career. This means that you must engage actively with learning. We cannot 'spoon-feed' you. Medicine is far too complicated to learn by rote, and understanding is the key. Only you can discover understanding, and the course is designed to be a means for you to do just that, as outlined in the detailed description of the MB ChB.